Thursday, January 8, 2009

Chanel One News 1-8 09


Palestinian and Israel War
Day 13 no conflict on the small island Gaza.
For 3 hrs yesterday no gunfire in Gaza about 700 dead. They thought that the school would be safe but as soon as they fired back the school blew. The episodic clashes has continued the Palestinians are still shooting rockets into Israel.

Yesterday one of the worlds most exclusive parties met for lunch. The last time all the living presidents met at the white house was 1981.
100s of school put of school because of the snow and ice and rain.
May many people have no heat during a brutal winter because of the low gas supply.

Operation Goodie Bag
Operation goodie bag. Jane Costco and a lot of students in a school they are making goody bags to send to the troops. They fill the bag with 1Juicy fruit 1smarty 1lolly pop. in five years they have sent one hundred thousand goodie bags. They want more people and also other states to join in.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Chanel One News 1-5-09

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 .......
Israel and Palastinians War

bloody new year Isreal is bkombing Guaza strip goal is to weaken Hamass and take weapons. Or something like that. Reason for battle is over holy land. Homass bombed Israel and they faug palastinians have been killed and 1000 injured. Woo thats a big number.
The fighting in Gauza has led tok many protests. A pile of shoes to represent the dead.
They want to find a solution to end the fighting.


Storms are making wreckage across U.S . A mixter of snow, and rain are making rivers overflow.

Drop In Holiday Sales

Shoping in 2009 is droping about 20 stores have closed because of shopers not shoping.


Some thing about a good football play from the Semore Eagles. If u want to upload one of your football plays then go to chanel and upload your vid.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Rocket Packs 12-19-08

Wired T.V
Rocket BElt convention in Niagra Falls.
Under an army program the operation Grasshoper a guy ws supposed to build a rocket belt, the rocket belt iis powerd by proxide and u can go up to 40 miles an hour. The motor heats up w/ the plorxide and creates steam which powers the motor. Their is a rocket These days the most advanced rocket belt is Eric Scott. He says that it is amazin g he also says it is defieying gravitie. The longest flight is only like a couple mins and Eric Scott only flew in Fort Brag for 15 seconds in the air. The newest rocket belt is from the Go Fast companie. The scientists have been trying to make it more high tech since 60-70 yrs ago.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Chanel One News 12-11-08

Auto Bailout
The house of reps took up bill yesterday and gave it a green light. The bill is tohelp auto companies to make more fuel efficent cars.

Terrorist Attack
Terrorist attacks they arrested Saki Astami in pakistan lpakistan has targetted terrorists.


Blagojevich govenor of Illinoise was arrested for being said to try to sell the senetor seat to make money for him self. Obama says they should have an election for senetor seat.

How to kiss was the most common goole search of 2008. How to draw came in next.

Fanny May and Freddie Mac

Fanny May and Freddie Mac Former ceo said they are not to blame for the for giving out false loans to make money. The home owners could not pay backthe loans so fanny may and freddie Mac Made a lot of money.

School Banks
Banks are popping up in schools all over. The students are hellping other tudents in their school. The students are learning about saving money and about managing it too. The student work as bankers and answer questions and money realated things.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Chanel One News 12-4-08


sorry did not hear any thing they said. Wow this is a boring one they need to speak SLOWER i cant get a word they say.


a lot of attacks are happening in Iraq or some where i count quite tell but the attackers to victims cell phones so they could not be tracked and they carried a series of devices to communicate with each other.


An attack in Samalia pirates tried to take out a cruise ship but could not because the cruise ship escaped.


well there is an up rise about people who are playing their music to loud or people just want to listen to their music in their house not their neighbors music in their house so the people are tired of cars blasting music or parties getting to loud.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Chanel One News 11-21-08

Its hard to find a part time job this year expessaly for teens. Look at movie theaters they might be easier. Or clothing stores. You might have a better time getting a job if yu are more confident in what you want. Like during holidays. It may be easier to find a job because many people want a holiday break.


More people file for unempoiment last week than any other week since 1990.


Whats it like when your dad is presedent. Living in the white house also means living under the microscope. Sounds like living in the white house sounds fun but weird.