Thursday, December 11, 2008

Chanel One News 12-11-08

Auto Bailout
The house of reps took up bill yesterday and gave it a green light. The bill is tohelp auto companies to make more fuel efficent cars.

Terrorist Attack
Terrorist attacks they arrested Saki Astami in pakistan lpakistan has targetted terrorists.


Blagojevich govenor of Illinoise was arrested for being said to try to sell the senetor seat to make money for him self. Obama says they should have an election for senetor seat.

How to kiss was the most common goole search of 2008. How to draw came in next.

Fanny May and Freddie Mac

Fanny May and Freddie Mac Former ceo said they are not to blame for the for giving out false loans to make money. The home owners could not pay backthe loans so fanny may and freddie Mac Made a lot of money.

School Banks
Banks are popping up in schools all over. The students are hellping other tudents in their school. The students are learning about saving money and about managing it too. The student work as bankers and answer questions and money realated things.

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