Friday, December 19, 2008

Rocket Packs 12-19-08

Wired T.V
Rocket BElt convention in Niagra Falls.
Under an army program the operation Grasshoper a guy ws supposed to build a rocket belt, the rocket belt iis powerd by proxide and u can go up to 40 miles an hour. The motor heats up w/ the plorxide and creates steam which powers the motor. Their is a rocket These days the most advanced rocket belt is Eric Scott. He says that it is amazin g he also says it is defieying gravitie. The longest flight is only like a couple mins and Eric Scott only flew in Fort Brag for 15 seconds in the air. The newest rocket belt is from the Go Fast companie. The scientists have been trying to make it more high tech since 60-70 yrs ago.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Chanel One News 12-11-08

Auto Bailout
The house of reps took up bill yesterday and gave it a green light. The bill is tohelp auto companies to make more fuel efficent cars.

Terrorist Attack
Terrorist attacks they arrested Saki Astami in pakistan lpakistan has targetted terrorists.


Blagojevich govenor of Illinoise was arrested for being said to try to sell the senetor seat to make money for him self. Obama says they should have an election for senetor seat.

How to kiss was the most common goole search of 2008. How to draw came in next.

Fanny May and Freddie Mac

Fanny May and Freddie Mac Former ceo said they are not to blame for the for giving out false loans to make money. The home owners could not pay backthe loans so fanny may and freddie Mac Made a lot of money.

School Banks
Banks are popping up in schools all over. The students are hellping other tudents in their school. The students are learning about saving money and about managing it too. The student work as bankers and answer questions and money realated things.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Chanel One News 12-4-08


sorry did not hear any thing they said. Wow this is a boring one they need to speak SLOWER i cant get a word they say.


a lot of attacks are happening in Iraq or some where i count quite tell but the attackers to victims cell phones so they could not be tracked and they carried a series of devices to communicate with each other.


An attack in Samalia pirates tried to take out a cruise ship but could not because the cruise ship escaped.


well there is an up rise about people who are playing their music to loud or people just want to listen to their music in their house not their neighbors music in their house so the people are tired of cars blasting music or parties getting to loud.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Chanel One News 11-21-08

Its hard to find a part time job this year expessaly for teens. Look at movie theaters they might be easier. Or clothing stores. You might have a better time getting a job if yu are more confident in what you want. Like during holidays. It may be easier to find a job because many people want a holiday break.


More people file for unempoiment last week than any other week since 1990.


Whats it like when your dad is presedent. Living in the white house also means living under the microscope. Sounds like living in the white house sounds fun but weird.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Chanel One News 11-11-08

Job loss

This year over 1 mil people have lost their jobs. In Florida a catholic organization is making sandwitches for the homeless .No one is hiring barely so it is very hard to get a job. The economy is not the link to homelessness some people feel. The small tent city in Florida is fed by a catholic organization.

Their is so many people that said that the people who watch TV that kids don't eat as much good food. There is some people who would definitely rather watch TV than hang out with family or friends. The study on that is not all true but partly.

Veterans day

In 1918 the world war stopped. Today is veterans day
the first mother daughter team to join the army signed up this year.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Chanel One News 11-4-08


Today is election day. Boy I wonder who will win. I definitely think that it is either gonna be close or one of the candidates will win by a mile. Jessica Kamari says it not just the candidates who are working hard but also the people. "David Scott is the director of the Republican committee he help in crease volunteers for the committee but he also wants to help undecided voters to make up their minds,"Says Steven Fabien.


Headlines say that some victims involved with hurricane Ike are still recovering.


The fact is that teens who watch sexual movies are twice as likely to get pregnant. Weird Huh.


Geo Quiz Where is Zimbabwe on the map. The answer is C southern Africa.


A soccer lover Nick Maderas went to war and he wanted to send tons of soccer balls to Iraq for all the children, he ended up dying in the war but his family still carried out his dream they signed all the soccer balls with nicks name and gave them to the children in Iraq.

That's really nice. It must be hard for the family.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Chanel One News 10-28-08

Affirmative Action
Some students from college are worried or upset about what people think about them because of there gender or race. People want to stop affirmative action. I think that racial discrimination should STOP. Because it to me is wrong. Some people think that affirmative action is better,
and some people think that affirmative action is worse. I hope that Colorado Bans affirmative action. The # of African Americans at colleges has more than doubled in the past year.

Vote to see if you think affirmative action is needed, not needed, or is necessary but needs improvement.
Go to Channel and click on One Vote

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Chanal One News 10-23-08

The closer we get to election day it seems we hear who is up and who is down.

What are polls?( A snap shot to get peoples views.) Polls are not a good thing to see who wins the election mostly counting the votes is better.High Schoolers can Vote 1Vote .com.

It is hard to fight aids in Africa.

Chandrayan is a huge space craft that they want to send into orbit so they can see if there is ice on the moon.

I think the voice mail thing was weird.

The first marathon started in Greece.

POP QUIZ How long is a Marathon. (26.2 miles.)

Maren Whiten berg is the directer of the new york marathon. You Have to run for four hours.

Oh boy i could not run for four hours. I would probably collapse.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Chanal One News 10-22-08

54321 Acton Steven Fabien starts C1N. There is a way higher rate of deaths for teen drivers. 70 percent say that they were not very happy w/ Pres Bush. By joining face book you can get in to college easier says Hannah Van Winkle. Ben Bernak says that government should have a 700 billion bailout. 150 billion D's for health care for adults and children. Ron Paul Ryan say its not a good idea to shovel 300 Bil out the door because it will raise our debt to 100 Mil i think thats what they said.
Kid from OK Kevin Durant was named NBA rookie of the year and is probably going pro in b-ball.He says to be able to stay shape and keep up in school you have to really want it.
Eagle that has spent basically his Whole life in captivity was taught how to fly on the top of a summit w/ 2 guys and a guy on a para glider.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Chanal One News 10-15-08

Steven Fabien at the last debate in Hofstra University. if you want cash for college go to Chanel one news for scholarships. so Obama and McCain don't have to rush for time there is a machine thing that has a red light which means no time left green means full time left yellow means running out of time. Gas has dropped 35 cents. There is a fire near La. that fire fighters are having trouble fighting it.Sep 26 debate Obama thinks energy is important and i think wants to lower gas or might not. McCain has been called a maverick. Whatever that means??

Thursday, October 9, 2008

chanel one news 10-9-08

On Wednesday federal reserve lowered their interest rates.

The global economy is falling. President Bush says it is important to stay fit.

In 04 their was a 11 percent increase in voting. DJ is 17 teen and wants to be a financial person but since the financial rate is dropping she is worried.

Stock market dropping alot. Bank loans extremely hard to get. Pop Quiz What is the Washington monument named after (The obelisk) The monument was made for the first president. Laura Bush turned a big pink light on the White House to support Breast Cancer.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Chanel One News 9-30-2008

heaslines a million more homes will be foreclosed more than 2 thirds of republicans say no pirate attack they headed to Kenya life in the south is bad the gas is hard to find hurricane Ike tore through Texas making it so kids could not go to school but finally they tried to resume a normal school year hip hop is now the most listened to.

Friday, September 26, 2008

chanel one news 9-26-08

Presidental MCain and Obama ebate McCain vs Obama there is a brake down of trust a little bit of every thing to expect recap of tonight's debate on Monday every month they will introduce a seventeen yr old from every country shortly after WW2 sides have been fighting over land technology is a huge part of Israel the last bombing was 2 yrs ago lots of tourist come 17 teen yr old life she likes shopping she has three brothers 1 sis died in accident Israel worlds largest Jewish city she does not think it is dangerous in Israel because she thinks she has soldiers to protect her country meets her friend form LA. She had one yr of school left. A giant touch screen computer students in new york grow their school food on the roof